Thursday, November 25, 2010

World's First Hybrid Tugboat

Tugboats are usually powered by marine compression ignition engines. The engines are built to be extremely powerful because of the big size of the vessel.  Larger tugboats used in deeper waters have power ratings up to 27,000 horse power.Tugboats, ferries, fishing boats, and dredge vessels give off many carbon admissions. Which is clearly not good for the environment.So they are trying to make a better environment by using a hybrid electric tugboat.  They found it decreased emissions of soot by 73 percent, nitrogen oxides (smog forming compounds) by 51 percent, and CO2 (greenhouse gas) by 27 percent.Which helps the environment  the only problem is that they cost a lot to make. So hopefully they can find a way to make them cheaper because ever step to better environment is a step to success.


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