Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Conglomerate- a corporation consisting of a number of subsidiary companies or divisions in a variety of unrelated industries, usually as a result of merger or acquisition. Ex.newscorp owning newspapers,magazines and televisionshows.

Demographic- a section of the population sharing common characteristics, such as age, sex, class, etc ex. Thinking the same thing is cool.

Early Adopter- a person who starts using a technology or product when it first available ex. trendsetters

Coolhunting-people that go around looking for cool ex. The people in the movie looking for cool.

The paradox of Coolhunting- they always have to keep looking for cool, because once they find it it isnt cool anymore.

Synergy- Also called: synergism the potential ability of individual organizations or groups to be more successful or productive as a result of a merger

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