Tuesday, January 25, 2011

store name: 3senses
 sweet sunshine- perfume
ravishing rainbow- make up
stunning starlight  -pajama's

wipe away the rain and put some rainbow in your day
spice up ur day with some sunshine
 silken up ur night  be star bright
target audience: teen girls and young ladies

who buys your perfume, make up and pajama's?
what kind of makeup do they get you?
what kind of scents do you like?
what is your favourite thing about pajamas?
what is your favourite thing about makeup?
what is your favourite thing about perfume?
what do you look for when you get  pajamas?
what do you look for when you get makeup?
what do you look for when you get perfume?
what colours eyeshadow do you buy?
do you like the silky feel of pajamas?
does the bottle appeance help you decide what perfume you buy?
does the name of the perfume effect your choice?
Is price a problem?
do you like for the smell to attract the oppisite sex?